martes, 27 de octubre de 2015

Story Starting

In the Language class the teacher asked  us to write a Story starting with this sentence"And that was the last time I saw her".

And that was the last time I saw her, it was the best person I ever knew, Sasha was lovely like noone. Ihat day,  I saw her at the bus station, however she told me that we were going to meet someday although up to now I dont know where she is. As regards, her mother sthey say that they are looking for her too, I´m very scared about her. I imagine that something wrong was going onthe bus, maybe someone kidnapped her. I hope some day I will see her again..

Nowadays more and more women are kidnapped

martes, 20 de octubre de 2015

Advantages and disadvantages of technology in the classroom

In the Language class the teacher asked us to write an essay of 250 words about the advantages and disadvantages of technology in class.

 Nowadays, technology is something we have everyday in our lifes. In the following essay i will develop some advantages and disadvantages about technology un the classroom.

Nowadays technology has replaced blackboard
 As regards, an important advantages about technology nowadays, we can mention that we can search a lot of information in the moment so in this way it gives better results that searching in a book as if we look up information, in this way also it would take more time of your life. Another advantage is that we could communicate via internet with everyone very easily.

 However, some disadvantages about technology are that nowadays children spend a lot of time of their lives using the cellphone or computers and that is not positive fot their lives. Another disadvantage about using technology is that little kids have to do homework from books they look up all in the internet.

 As a conclusion, in my opinion it is better to search in books than in the cellphone as maybe, in the web there is some information that has nothing to do with what do you need.