martes, 28 de mayo de 2013

Diary Entry - Sujata Bhatt

In Literature with the teacher we were working with a poem called "A different history" Sujata Bhatt. This poem is about The British Colonization in India, the poem have two parts, in the first talk about India before the Colonization, Bhatt explains life in India when it was free, In the second part talks about India on the British Colonization, focuses on the importance of the lenguage. Now I will write a Diary Entry telling about this situation.
6th May 1976. A Monday
Dear Diary,
Today is not a good day! The colonization continues here, I`m so angry, sad and fearful because of the British Colonization, I´m disappointed because before, India was free but now because of the Consequences  of the British Colonization  it was not free. Out future is in trouble, this thing of the colonization changes all our traditions, Me and my family treat books respectfully and we follow the idea of the sacred trees and the respect that we have fot them in India , Those basic things in those times are not important. In the future we can change some things of the language, ideas, identities, we can do some things to the place some more changes me and the people in India.In relation to my personal feelings, I´m so sad about this colonization, about all the things that we are losing, in particular our traditions that for us are very important. Mostly we focus on the importance of the language about how the British took those things, another important point to talk about is "The oppresors tongue", we are losing the language and we don´t know what to do, little by little we are losing it and some of us are desesparated, many people are looking fot a solution but it is very difficult, today was not a very good day. Well I´m going to sleep after a very long day. Tomorrow I´ll continue telling about this bad situation.

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